Wednesday 21 May 2014

DIY Halter Band Tee.

Sorry about the lack of blogging recently, been rather busy! But hey I've had a great busy day at college, working on my 'Armoured Trousers' project, I'll try and get some photos of them soon to show you guys and maybe photograph my sketchbook! So it's like 5 weeks till the end of year fashion show so hopefully everything will be done by then!

Anyway that's all off subject for this post! Well kind of sewing all day put me in the mood to be creative at home too! So I found out an old top I never wear any more and started cutting! I'm in love with halter tops at the moment (& will hopefully get round to doing a post on my recent buys!) and of course the Sex Pistols, so I thought I could create a way that I could re-make this top to something more wearable!

Really I should have taken photos before and after and during the process but I didn't really know what i was doing until it was done, so I took some photos of another top trying to show you...

Here's what I did:

Step 1: Lay the top out on a flat surface, then fold it length ways in half

Step 2: Cut the armholes out (this is something I had to re-do later on)

Step 3: Cut along the top in a straight line

Step 4: If you want it to be cropped cut off a section of the bottom

Step 5: Seam some(or all) edges, leaving enough space to thread some ribbon through the halter area

Step 6: Thread some ribbon/ string/ anything and you're good to go!

Here's mine!

Let me know what you think of this type of DIY post?

Thanks for viewing!xo

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