Friday 4 April 2014

Homemade Halter.

So the other night I was feeling creative and wanted to do some sewing, I've been looking at patterns for a fifties style cropped halter for a while but thought to myself 'I know the basics of pattern cutting so try it yourself!'. So that's what I did, it's not amazing but I'm really quit proud of it, as a first attempt. I found this cute fabric in a bag of fabric my mamma's friend had given me and the pom pom trim I found in a draw(no idea how it got there!) Here's some (slightly posey!) photos...

Thank you for viewing lovelies!xo


  1. Aww Molly that looks fabulous! Oh and I nomintated you for the 'Very Inspiring Blogger Award' :) the details are in this link: :) xo

  2. Wonderful look...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

  3. Hey! I nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blog Award! Check it out!


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